苹果神秘新品終顯身 英特爾版Mac Mini登場[圖]-IT浪潮-北方網
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苹果神秘新品終顯身 英特爾版Mac Mini登場[圖]

http://www.enorth.com.cn  2006-03-01 23:08

    幾天前,苹果曾經向很多媒體發出了邀請函,但是當時並沒有說明發布什麼產品,很多人紛紛猜測苹果的新品將會是采用了英特爾處理器的Mac mini,而結果正是如此,在iMac和MacBook Pro跨入英特爾陣營後,苹果另一個標志性產品Mac mini也步入了英特爾陣營。

    昨晚苹果正式發布了自己的兩款新品:一款是選用intel Core Duo新款處理器架構設計的Mac mini電腦產品,另一款則是配合iPod使用的桌面袖珍音響系統:iPod Hi-Fi,今天上午日本東京秋葉原的苹果展示店裡就已經同期開始上櫃展示銷售,看來日本的消費者真的很幸福,作為全球消費能力最強的IT市場,新品最早出現在日本市場的確也是情理之中的事情。

    新款的Mac mini在外觀上與前一代產品沒有分別,只是內部IBM處理器換成了英特爾處理器,新款Mac mini將有599美元和799美元兩個型號,其中低端產品采用了英特爾Core Solo處理器,而高端產品則是雙核心的Core Duo處理器。

兩個版本的Mac mini新品分別選用Intel Core Solo 1.5GHz和Core Duo 1.66GHz處理器


The new 1.5 GHz Mac mini, for a suggested retail price of $599 (US), includes:
  1.5 GHz Intel Core Solo processor;
  512MB of 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, expandable up to 2GB;
  a slot-load Combo (DVD-ROM/CD-RW) drive;
  60GB Serial ATA hard drive running at 5400 rpm;
  Intel GMA950 graphics processor;
  built-in AirPort Extreme wireless networking & Bluetooth 2.0+EDR;
  Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000 BASE-T);
  four USB 2.0 ports;
  one audio line in and one audio line out port, each supporting both optical digital and analog;
  DVI-out port for external display (VGA-out adapter included, Composite/S-Video out adapter sold separately); and the infrared Apple Remote.
The new 1.66 GHz Mac mini, for a suggested retail price of $799 (US), includes:
  1.66 GHz Intel Core Duo processor;
  512MB of 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM expandable up to 2GB;
  a slot-load 8x SuperDrive with double-layer support (DVD+R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW);
  80GB Serial ATA hard drive running at 5400 rpm;
  Intel GMA950 graphics processor;
  built-in AirPort Extreme wireless networking & Bluetooth 2.0+EDR;
  Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000 BASE-T);
  four USB 2.0 ports;
  one audio line in and one audio line out port, each supporting both optical digital and analog;
  DVI-out port for external display (VGA-out adapter included, Composite/S-Video out adapter sold separately); and the infrared Apple Remote.
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